Friday, March 7, 2014

What is Lent? & Continuation of the Parables from Past Weeks: March 5, 2014

What is lent?
-Takes place 46 days before Easter
-6 days are sabbath days

More liturgical churches celebrate lent to recognize this story:
Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to the desert for 40 days to be tempted by the enemy. 
     He was tempted by:
          -lust of the eyes
          -lust of the flesh
          -pride of life

What purpose did suffering (or having temptation) have in Jesus’ life?
-He learned OBEDIENCE by what he suffered
-This was to prove that even when tempted, Jesus wouldn’t sin.

What do the ashes represent?
Ashes are mixed with water or oil and smeared on the forehead. This reminds them that for the next 40 days, join with Jesus, and give up something to remind ourself that He gave up Everything.

Job 42:3-6
     -Job says he despises himself 
     -Then he repents for feeling entitled after realizing how GREAT and BIG God is
Daniel 9:3
     Why was Daniel fasting and praying?
     -For his people. He took the sins of his people
Matthew 11:21

These three parables have to do with the kingdom

Matthew 25: 31-46
Who are the main characters in this story?
-The Righteous
-The Un-Righteous 
-The sheep
-The goats
-The king
-The devil
-Angels on both side

What were their attitudes and activity?
The sheep
-They are selfless
-They will go out of their way to help
-Fed the hungry, and clothed the naked
-Cared for the sick and visited prisoners
-They will sacrifice to benefit others

The goats
-They are selfish
-accusing God
-Eyes were set on themselves
-unwilling to help

Final state of the sheep: Eternal life with the shepherd 
Final state of the goats: Eternal punishment

Is there any modern day equivalent to this parable?

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